Support का ब्लॉग



What improvement would YOU like to see?

One of our Moderators has approached us with some ideas for improving site functions and features. We love that many of you have taken the time to be a part of this initiative.

So, we will consider these (and other) requests. Feel free to add your thoughts and suggestions (creative and polite feedback please). All suggestions will be discussed within our team and we hope to implement some of your requests over the next few months.

Here are the great suggestions so far:

- list the members age along side their name

- Tagging members

- to be able to put pics in comments

- be able to see if a message was read

- bring back the search bar in the top of page

- ability to hide what you see on your newsfeed

- A way to recognise from the thumbnail what a member is searching for M, F, C (so they avoid clicking on a female looking for a female if they are male).

- to be able to like someone's comment

- Make photos unsaveable

- notification if someone blocks you

- ability to delete multiple inbox messages

  • flywithabuzz: Is it possible to 'UN-friend' or block on here?
  • alloveragain68: Too many fakes
  • hunglikahart: How do you know what profile is a Cupid? And why since I got a membership nobody's online?
  • ziggridlox: Optional chat features with vid capabilities
  • Moist4you: Some of these ideas will make it easier to BE stalked. Maybe less is more.
  • user8729126: Well, I would like to see that you guys, I mean the moderators, stopped LYING to us. You say something is not recommended, but you act like it is forbidden, and you are that much of a COWARD not to answer. Can only mean one thing, certainly after I did a domain check, you guys act like criminals.
  • Davsdicksinu: sure
  • jediknightjason: create a filter in the chat window so that i only see matches online that are from my state...not other states...
  • Ann4572: We should be able to give feedback as to why we had to block an individual to …
  • Justforfuntimes69: The ability to see how long since someone has been online.....tons of profiles locally but only 1 or 2 actually active
  • 2hard47: Put a way to see if a person has been active or not and how long since active. You have some profiles that have not been active since 5 yrs ago, yet you displaying them as active
  • Strasburg1: @ 2hard47. Yeah, it's frustrating. I'm sure if they took 5 year profiles off, they wouldn't have a member count? On the bright side, people will be viewing you long after you left the site.
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